GeoForm was born from my need to create. I started GeoForm designs after graduating from college with my masters in Architecture. I found that working in an office all day was not enough for my inner artist, and I needed some kind of creative outlet. Since that day, I have officially quit my day job in architecture and taken on GeoForm as my full time job and I could not be happier!

I consider myself a fluid artist, meaning I take liquid mediums and turn them into something beautiful. I have always loved the idea of taking an everyday material, something people consider ordinary or utilitarian, and elevating it. Concrete, which is the main material I use, has some amazing properties that make it extremely flexible, durable and therefore the perfect material to work with that fit that ‘ordinary’ criteria. Whenever someone asks me in amazement “is that really concrete?!” I know I have accomplished that goal! Lately I have been creating alcohol ink paintings on concrete clocks, coasters and trays.

I absolutely love experimenting with techniques, colors, and alternative materials, creating all of my items in small batches allows me a greater creative freedom, better quality control, while also reducing the amount of waste that would otherwise be created. I incorporate crystals to create geodes, natural colorants, gold leaf, alcohol ink, and even create resin art on concrete trays. Every day in the studio is a different adventure, and possibilities are endless with this material.